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Register of Auditors (in alphabetical order)

(appointment until 31 December 2024)

Name Position
Dr Richard ARMOUR
Higher Education Consultant
Professor John BACON-SHONE
Head of Quality Analytics
HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education
Professor Philip BODMAN Emeritus Professor
The University of Queensland
Dr Sara BOOTH Director, Academic
Online Peer Solutions Pty Ltd
Professor Michael BOTELHO Clinical Professor in Prosthodontics, Division of Restorative Dental Sciences
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong
Professor Jeremy BRADSHAW Emeritus Professor
University of Bath
Dr Susan BRIDGES Director, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
The University of Hong Kong
Professor Mairéad BROWNE Consultant and Emeritus Professor
University of Technology, Sydney
Professor Phil CARDEW Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)
Leeds Beckett University
Professor David CARLESS Professor and Unit Head
Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong
Dr Martí CASADESÚS FA Director
AQU Catalunya (The Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency)
Professor CHAN Lung-sang Honorary Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
The University of Hong Kong
Dr Albert CHAU Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
Hong Kong Baptist University
Professor CHENG Shuk-han Chair Professor of Molecular Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Department of Materials Science and Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Professor CHOW King-lau Dean of Students
Professor of Life Science, Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Public Policy
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Professor Cecilia CHUN Ka-wai Director of Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Ronald CHUNG Chi-kit Dean, School of Continuing Education
Hong Kong Baptist University
Professor Timothy CLARK Provost
Singapore Management University
Professor Debbie CLAYTON AM Consultant and Emeritus Professor
Central Queensland University
Professor Joan COOPER Commissioner
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
Professor Mark DAVIES Emeritus Professor
University of Sunderland
Professor Robert DAVISON Professor of Information Systems
City University of Hong Kong
Professor Dawn EDWARDS Clerk to the Board of Governors
Director of Academic Governance
Royal Northern College of Music
Professor Lee FRITSCHLER Professor Emeritus
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University
Professor Cherian GEORGE Professor of Media Studies and Associate Dean (Research and Development)
School of Communication and Film
Hong Kong Baptist University
Mr Ian HAWKE Higher Education Consultant
Formerly Founding Chief Executive Officer and Commissioner
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
Professor Ruth HAYHOE Professor of Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
University of Toronto
Professor Ann HOLMES Former Deputy Vice Chancellor
University of Wolverhampton
Dr Achim HOPBACH Higher Education Consultant
Professor Mark HUNT Higher Education Consultant
Dr Stephen JACKSON Director of AREA
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Professor Joyce KIRK Higher Education Consultant
Emeritus Professor
RMIT University
Professor Albert KO Director of Service-Learning and Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative, Office of Service-Learning
Lingnan University
Dr Rainer KUENZEL Former Senior Professor of Higher Education Management and Policy
Osnabrueck University
Professor George KUH Chancellor's Professor Emeritus of Higher Education
Center for Postsecondary Research
Indiana University
Professor Mike LAI Kee-hung Chair Professor, Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies
Associate Dean (Academic Support), Faculty of Business
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Professor Frankie LAM Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Acting Director, Teaching and Learning Centre
Lingnan University
Professor LAU Chi-pang Associate Vice President (Academic Affairs and External Relations)
Professor of Department of History
Lingnan University
Professor Jackie LEE Fung-king Professor (Practice), Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), Faculty of Humanities
The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor Jimmy LEE Ho-man Associate Director, University Planning Office
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Kerry LEE Head and Professor of Department of Early Childhood Education
Director of Centre for Educational and Developmental Sciences
The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor Vivian LEE Associate Professor of Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Robert LI Associate Dean (SGS), Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies
Professor of Department of Materials Science and Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Dr LI Wai-chin Associate Dean (Quality Assurance & Enhancement), Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies
The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor Rudi LIDL Consultant and Emeritus Professor
University of Tasmania
Professor LUI Hon-kwong Associate Vice-President (Further Education and Projects)
Professor, Department of Marketing and International Business
Lingnan University
Professor Aulay MACKENZIE Pro Vice-Chancellor (Partnerships)
Wrexham Glyndwr University
Dr Bryan MAGUIRE Director of Quality Assurance
Quality and Qualifications Ireland
Professor Margaret MAK Associate Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Professor of Physiotherapy, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Professor Helen MARSHALL Former Vice-Chancellor
University of Salford
Mr Ian MARSHMAN Associate Professor/Honorary Principal Fellow
Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education
The University of Melbourne
Dr Anne MARTIN Higher Education Consultant
Professor Hugh McKENNA Professor of Nursing
Ulster University
Ms Maureen McLAUGHLIN Academic Registrar and Director of Student, Library and Academic Services
Northumbria University
Dr Sean McMINN Director, Center for Education Innovation
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Professor Diane MEEHAN Higher Education Consultant
Professor Anirban MUKHOPADHYAY Associate Provost (Teaching and Learning)
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Dr Alex NG Man-leung Director, School of Continuing and Professional Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor NG Tai-kai Chair Professor
Department of Physics
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Professor Clare PICKLES Professor of Academic Quality & Enhancement
Higher Education Consultant
Professor Isabella POON Wai-yin Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President
Wei Lun Professor of Statistics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Patrick POON Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies)
Director of Undergraduate Business Programmes
Professor of Teaching, Department of Marketing and International Business
Faculty of Business
Lingnan University
Professor James POUNDER President/Rector
De Montfort University Kazakhstan
Professor Gerard PRENDERGAST Associate Dean (Internationalisation) of Business and Professor
Department of Marketing, Hong Kong Baptist University
Professor Hanqin QIU Dean and Distinguished Professor
College of Tourism and Service Management
Nankai University
Professor Ian ROBINSON Independent Higher Education Advisor and Associate Tutor
University of Lincoln
Professor John ROSENBERG Consultant and Emeritus Professor
La Trobe University
Professor Neil SAMMELLS Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
Bath Spa University
Professor Margaret SHAFFER Michael F. Price Chair of International Business
The University of Oklahoma
Professor SHEK Chan-hung Associate Dean (Education), College of Engineering
Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Professor Bjørn STENSAKER Professor of Higher Education
University of Oslo
Ms Jane VON DADELSZEN Tertiary Education, Quality Assurance and Strategy and Policy Consultant

Professor Andrew WALDER

Denise O'Leary and Kent Thiry Professor
School of Humanities and Sciences
Stanford University

Professor Jianping WANG

Assistant Provost (Strategic Planning and Quality Assurance)
City University of Hong Kong

Professor Graham WEBB

Higher Education Consultant

Professor Paul WHITE

Emeritus Professor
The University of Sheffield

Dr Stephanie WILSON

Higher Education Consultant

Professor Hilary WINCHESTER

Higher Education Consultant

Professor Charles WONG Man-sing

Associate Dean, Faculty of Construction and Environment
Professor, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Professor Kwok-yin WONG

Vice President (Education)
Chair Professor of Chemical Technology
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Professor Denis WRIGHT

Emeritus Professor
Imperial College London

Professor Michael YAM Chi-ho

Head and Professor, Department of Building and Real Estate
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Professor Min YAN

Professor, Department of Mathematics
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Professor Susanna YEUNG Siu-sze

Associate Professor and Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance)
The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor Eric YU Kwan-wai

Professor, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor YUEN Pong-chi

Associate Dean of Science (Teaching and Learning)
Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science
Hong Kong Baptist University