Home > UGC Publications > Press Releases > 2009 > UGC has received no proposal from CityU for a vet school

UGC has received no proposal from CityU for a vet school

In response to queries, the University Grants Committe (UGC) stated today (March 20) that, contrary to some press reports, it had not received any formal proposal from the Hong Kong City University (CityU) to set up a vet school in Hong Kong. A UGC spokesman said that thus far CityU had merely run a very preliminary, and conceptual idea informally past the Chairman and Secretary-General of UGC, which contained no costings and left open many major aspects of how a vet school might operate.

The UGC spokesman observed that setting up a vet school would be an important decision for the Hong Kong higher education sector, involving considerable expense. In order to consider such a major initiative, a well articulated and costed proposal would be needed, explaining why such would be for the benefit of Hong Kong and why a particular institution should be given the opportunity to take it forward. No such proposal had been received.


The UGC normally considers proposals for changed/new programmes during its triennial funding process, which has recently been completed. But institutions are welcome to submit proposals for changes at any time and the UGC will consider them.


UGC Secretariat

March 20, 2009