- Over 9,500 university students participate in Common English Proficiency Assessment Scheme (28.10.2005)
- UGC responds to Thematic Household Survey on Higher Education (21.10.2005)
- Results of 2004/05 Common English Proficiency Assessment Scheme released (29.7.2005)
- UGC welcomes CUHK and HKIEd to sign formal agreement on deep collaboration (9.7.2005)
- New appointment to Research Grants Council announced (30.6.2005)
- Result of Research Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2005/2006 announced (29.6.2005)
- UGC welcomes deep collaboration between CUHK and HKIEd (25.6.2005)
- UGC statement on new academic structure (18.5.2005)
- Common English Proficiency Assessment Scheme for 2005-06 (29.4.2005)[PDF file]
- Joint statement by UGC and HUCOM on academic structure reform (17.1.2005)