Abbreviations and Technical Terms

This list is largely confined to abbreviations and terms peculiar to higher education. Those in more general use are not included, nor are those which occur in very limited contexts in the report and are explained therein. Minutiae such as degree titles are also excluded.

Age participation rate The proportion of young people for whom places are provided in higher education within Hong Kong. The population for this purpose is usually taken as the average of the 17-20 age group, and the government's current targets are 18% for entry to degree courses and a further 6% for entry to sub-degree courses
AL Advanced level
APA The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
CAT Credit accumulation and transfer
CDCF Common data collection format
CHL Report An economic analysis of continuing education commissioned by the UGC from a research team at CUHK
CityU City University of Hong Kong
CPBE Centre for Professional and Business English, PolyU
CPE Continuing and professional education
CUHK The Chinese University of Hong Kong
EC Education Commission
ECR Education Commission Report
EMB Education and Manpower Branch
ft full time
fte full time equivalent. The numbers of part-time students are converted into "full time equivalents" for the purposes of student number targets and funding. The conversion factors are based upon costs (often marginal costs), course length compared with full time study and other considerations
FYFD first year first degree
hc headcount. Actual number of students
HE higher education
HEI higher education institution
HKALE Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
HKBU Hong Kong Baptist University
HKCAA The Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation
HKCEE Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination
HKIEd The Hong Kong Institute of Education
HKMA The Hong Kong Management Association
HKPC Hong Kong Productivity Council
HKU The University of Hong Kong
HKUST The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Interim Report "Higher Education 1991-2001, An Interim Report", UGC November 1993
JASPIC Joint Admission Scheme for Polytechnics, Technical Institutes and Colleges (now Joint Admissions Scheme for Post-Secondary Institutions' Courses)
JUPAS Joint University and Polytechnic Admissions System (now Joint University Programmes Admissions System)
LC Lingnan College
MR "Manpower 2001 Revisited", EMB June 1994
OLI Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong
PACE Centre for Professional and Continuing Education, PolyU
PolyU The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
POSTE Report A study of the preparation of students for tertiary education commissioned by the UGC from a research team at HKU
pt part time
R non-teaching element in grant
R1, R2 components of R
relative cost weighting the cost of teaching one student, or the research of one member of staff, in a particular discipline compared with that in a reference discipline (often taken as humanities). Also used between levels
RGC Research Grants Council
RPg research postgraduate
SCE School of Continuing Education, HKBU
SCOPE School of Continuing and Professional Education, CityU
SCS School of Continuing Studies, CUHK
sd sub-degree
SEM Secretary for Education and Manpower
SPACE School of Professional and Continuing Education, HKU
student/staff ratio the number of fte students divided by the number of staff. Allowances have to be made for cross-disciplinary teaching and other factors. The ratio varies between subjects from about 5 to 15 and is a major determinant of relative cost weightings
T teaching element in grant
TC technical college
TLQPR Teaching and Learning Quality Process Review
TPg taught postgraduate
Ug undergraduate
UGC University Grants Committee
unit cost recurrent expenditure (excluding specific items such as research grants) divided by number of fte students. The overall figure for the UGC institutions in 1995-96 was about HK$200,000 per student year
UPGC University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (former name of UGC)
VTC Vocational Training Council
year The institutions' financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June. The academic year varies between institutions, with the majority favouring 1 September to 31 August. The UGC uses the financial year for both grant and student number calculations.

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