Home > UGC Publications > Speeches and Articles > 2001 > Speech by Dr Alice Lam, Chairman, University Grants Committee at the Opening of the Second HK Conference on Quality in Teaching and Learning on 24 May 2001

Speech by Dr Alice Lam, Chairman, University Grants Committee at the Opening of the Second HK Conference on Quality in Teaching and Learning on 24 May 2001

Dear Vice-Chancellor, distinguished guests, colleagues,

Perhaps I should address you all as "fellow-learners". Although "teaching" is the core-business for most of you, I am sure you will agree with me that in this new era of life-long learning, studying is also part of our lives.

There is a Chinese saying: to which I strongly subscribe. Translated into English it means "teaching and learning nurtures each other". I believe it aptly captures the theme of this Conference.

The theme of this Conference is, as you know, "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" which is a notion pioneered by the Carnegie Foundation a decade ago, based on a rethink over the increasing institutionalization of "research" and "teaching" as two distinct forces in the learning environment. This new conception suggests that there should be a fourfold classification of scholarship i.e. the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application and, quite importantly, the scholarship of teaching. The strong message is in the last categorisation is that teaching should be valued as a core scholarly activity.

The UGC always regards teaching as a primary role of the universities. We consider that it is most important for the institutions to constantly improve their teaching and learning methods, to get students better prepared for the rapidly-changing environment. Through the use of our Teaching Development Grants, block grants and funding from other sources, I am pleased that our institutions have all been active in the upgrading of their teaching and learning activities with encouraging results. Many of the finest examples are on display just now. My Committee will continue to support this very important aspect of the institutions' work in the coming triennium through the continuous allocation of Teaching Development Grants.

The theme of this conference is most timely, and is fully in line with UGC's views and priorities. I am glad that the Conference Planning Committee has chosen this theme. The level and quality of participation shows that higher education in Hong Kong is well-placed to build on previous achievements. I encourage you all to draw full advantage from this Conference, for further improvement in our learning environment and for the students in Hong Kong. Lastly, I wish you all a successful and productive Conference.

Thank you.