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The University Grants Committee : New Appointments

The Secretary for Education and Manpower today (March 23) announced new appointments to the University Grants Committee. The Hon. CHA, May Lung Laura, will succeed Dr Alice LAM LEE Kiu-yue to become Chairman, UGC with effect from 1 April 2007.

The Hon. Mrs CHA said she was very pleased to accept the appointment. "The University Grants Committee plays an important function in advising the Administration on the strategic development of the higher education sector and the financial needs of the eight publicly-funded institutions. I am honoured that I shall be involved in the process of shaping strategy and policy in an area that has a major impact on our younger generations. I fully embrace this opportunity."

"The coming few years are going to be challenging for the institutions and UGC. We are embarking on a new undergraduate academic structure and it is going to be a phase of growth. I know I have a lot to learn, but I also hope my expertise in the financial sector and experience gained in other advisory bodies will allow me to bring new perspectives to the sector.

"I look forward to working collaboratively with the Administration, the eight institutions and the higher education sector in general, to further promote quality and excellence."

The Hon. Mrs Cha is the non-executive Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. She has served on the Executive Council since October 2004. She has rich experience in financial regulation, and was the Deputy Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission from 1998 to 2001. She had also served on the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for nearly ten years since August 1996. The Hon. Mrs Cha was awarded SBS in 2001 and Justice of Peace in 2006.

The list of new members appointed to the UGC is as follows:

Chairman ( for three years with effect from 1 April 2007)

The Hon. CHA, May Lung, Laura


Mrs CHAN WONG Shui, Pamela (from 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2010)

Prof Willard FEE (from 1 January 2007 to 31 March 2010)

Prof Malcolm GRANT (from 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2010)

Ex-officio Member

Chairman, Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Committee

UGC Secretariat

23 March 2007