Home > UGC Publications > Press Releases > 2001 > Documentary TV Programme on Higher Education (7.2.2001)

Documentary TV Programme on Higher Education

The University Grants Committee (UGC) has cooperated with the Television Broadcast Limited (TVB) for the production of an 8-episode documentary TV series (in Cantonese) on higher education in Hong Kong, entitled "Higher Education Perspectives".

"The higher education sector in Hong Kong has experienced a remarkable period of development in the past decade. The documentary TV programme is part of our campaign to introduce these achievements to our community," said Dr Alice Lam, Chairman of UGC.

"The series will provide audiences with an overview on the higher education sector in Hong Kong, covering aspects such as the role and function of the UGC, history and characteristics of the institutions, quality of students and graduates, campus life, research achievements, etc. I am pleased that the programme is both informative and interesting," Dr Lam said.

The TV series, lasting for 5 minutes each, will be broadcast on 8 consecutive Fridays at 11:35pm starting from 9 February 2001 on TVB Jade Channel. The programme will also be mounted on tvb.com http://tvcity.tvb.com/ugc/. (in operation from 10 February 2001) which can also be accessed through the UGC's website.

Wednesday, February 07, 2001