Press Release - France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme (1998/1999)
Consulat General de France à Hongkong
Service Culturel et Scientifique
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
The Research Grants Council (RGC) and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong announced today (1 February 1999) that 9 research proposals have been awarded grants totalling HK$530,000 under the France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme.
The France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, called PROCORE, has been introduced as a pilot scheme in 1998/1999 to promote and encourage co-operation in research between universities in Hong Kong and their counterparts and research institutions in France. The Scheme is jointly supported by the RGC, the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and the National Centre of Scientific Research of France (CNRS). The pilot scheme has been launched initially to support projects in hard sciences and engineering.
"The response to the pilot scheme has been very encouraging and the quality of the research applications was very high.", Prof Ping K Ko, Chairman of the RGC, said. There were 36 applications seeking about HK$2.3 million.
A joint selection committee comprising members from both the Hong Kong and French sides selected 9 (list at Annex) out of the 36 research proposals for funding support.
The grants provide the researchers with return air passages and subsistence costs to enable them to visit their research partners to discuss or conduct research projects.
Mr Jean-Luc Maslin, Consul (Culture and Science) of the Consulate General of France said, "The three partners have agreed in principle to continue with PROCORE next year, with perhaps more funding to support longer-term joint research projects, including post-doctoral fellowships, and a possible expansion in the scope of the Scheme by including more disciplines". The exact details will be subject to further discussion among the three partners.
The France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme is one of four joint research schemes operated by the RGC. The other three schemes are with the UK, Germany and Mainland China. The joint research schemes are part of the RGC's continuing efforts to develop the research culture in Hong Kong and to increase the opportunities for exchanges among members of the Hong Kong and international research communities.
UGC Secretariat
1 February 1999
Proposals Supported by
France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme
No. | Project Title | HK Partner | French Partner |
1 | Studying the Role of Sox10 and Krox 20 Genes in the Migration and Differentiation of Vagal Neural Crest Cells Using the Dominant Megacolon Mutant Mice | Dr Mai-har Sham (HKU) |
Prof P Charnay (Ecole Normale Superieure Ulm, INSERM) |
2 | Production of Vaccines Against Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV) in Transgenic Plants | Dr H M Lam (CUHK) |
Dr M F Saron (Institut Pasteur) |
3 | Architecture-Based Techniques and Tools for Software Reliability Engineering | Prof Michael R Lyu (CUHK) |
Dr K Kanoun (LAAS, CNRS) |
4 | Role of Calcium in Gene Expression during Neural Induction in Amphibians | Dr Andrew L Miller (HKUST) |
Dr M Moreau (University of Toulouse III, CNR |
5 | Numerical Studies of Frustrated and Dimerized Quantum Magnetic Systems in Low Dimensions | Dr Pakwo Leung (HKUST) |
Dr T Ziman (Institut Laue Langevin, CNRS) |
6 | Transmission of Fast Charged Particles Through Carbon Nanotubes in Zeolites and in Etched Ion Tracks | Prof Nelson Cue (HKUST) |
Dr D Dauvergne (University of Lyon I, CNRS) |
7 | Genetic Analysis of Abscisic Acid Signalling in Arabidopsis Thaliana | Dr Chris Rock (HKUST) |
Dr J Giraudat (Institut des Sciences Vegetales, CNRS) |
8 | The Development of Novel Catalysts for the Trestment of Industrial Wastewater and Sludge by Wet Air Oxidation | Prof Po-lock Yue (HKUST) |
Mr L Herremans (Anjou Recherche) |
9 | Integrated Coastal Zone Management : Collaboration of Selected French Scientists with HKUST Scientists on South China Sea Project | Prof Gary W Heinke (HKUST) |
Prof A Monaco (University of Perpignan, CNRS) |