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Membership of Research Assessment Exercise Group

Member Title
Professor Chris BRINK, BBS * Emeritus Vice-Chancellor,
Newcastle University, UK and
Former Rector and Vice-Chancellor,
Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Deputy Convenor
Professor Timothy Tong Wai-cheung, SBS, JP Chairman,
Research Grants Council
Professor Arnoud DE MEYER * Former President,
Singapore Management University, Singapore
Professor Philip GUMMETT * RAE 2020 Consultant,
Academic Administrator, UK
Professor Kendall JOHNSON Head, School of English,
The University of Hong Kong, HK
Professor Gina LAI Wan-foon Professor, Department of Sociology,
Hong Kong Baptist University, HK
Professor Helen MENG Mei-ling Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professor,
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK
Professor Sir Anton MUSCATELLI * Principal and Vice-Chancellor,
University of Glasgow, UK
Professor PONG Ting-chuen Vice-President for Administration and Business;
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK
Professor WONG Wing-tak Deputy President and Provost,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK
Professor James TANG Tuck-hong Secretary-General,
Mr Cyprian CHAN Assistant Secretary-General (Research) 2,

* members outside Hong Kong