The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)/Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme (JRS) aims to promote collaboration between researchers/research teams in Hong Kong and the Mainland on the basis of complementing the existing strengths of both sides.
The NSFC/RGC JRS supports research proposals jointly submitted by the Mainland and the Hong Kong researchers. It also offers up to two conference grants to sponsor conferences held in Hong Kong. The six focus areas under the scheme include Information Technology, Life Science, New Materials Science, Marine and Environmental Science, Medicine, and Management Science.
A. Research Proposals
The research grant aims to support research projects with duration of four years. For Hong Kong applicants, the grant amount requested should not exceed HK$1.25 million (exclusive of on-costs).
B. Conference Proposals
The conference grant aims to encourage young researchers of similar fields from Hong Kong and the Mainland to foster collaboration through the dissemination of their recent and unpublished research works. Two conferences, one in science disciplines (viz. Biology & Medicine, Engineering and Physical Sciences disciplines) and one in non-science disciplines (viz Humanities, Social Sciences and Business Studies disciplines) to be held in Hong Kong, will be selected for funding. The RGC provides applicants with funding for a two or three-day conference in Hong Kong. The conference/workshop should take place within a period specified by the RGC (normally from 1 July to 30 June of the following year). The maximum amount of RGC grant per conference is HK$250,000.
The eligibility requirements for NSFC/RGC JRS are as follows:
A. Research Proposals
The Hong Kong Principal Investigators (PIs) should meet fully the requirements for applying for the RGC General Research Fund. Moreover, Hong Kong applicants should refer to the relevant requirements of the NSFC and ensure that their eligibility as a Hong Kong PI will be accepted by the NSFC. Mainland applicants should check with the NSFC for their eligibility requirements. Researchers outside of Hong Kong and the Mainland may participate as members of the Hong Kong or the Mainland research teams.
B. Conference Proposals
Either the Hong Kong PI or a Co-investigator in the Hong Kong team should meet fully the requirements for applying for the RGC Early Career Scheme. The Hong Kong PI should collaborate with a Mainland Co-organiser who should meet the eligibility requirements of a “young scientist” specified by the NSFC. Enquiries relating to the NSFC's eligibility requirements should be directed to the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of the NSFC via email at
A. Research Proposals
The assessment criteria for research proposals include scientific merit, the extent to which existing strengths of each side may complement each another, and opportunities for training young researchers.
Balance of different disciplines may be taken into consideration when the scientific aspects of two proposals are considered being equal.
B. Conference Proposals
The assessment criteria for conference proposals include the research standing of the Main and Co-organisers, and that of the guest speakers, the degree of intra and inter-institutional participation by local and Mainland researchers and students, and prospects for new/longer-term research collaboration between Hong Kong and Mainland researchers.
A. Research Proposals
Parallel submissions of both applications by the Hong Kong and the Mainland applicants before the respective deadlines are required. Hong Kong applicants are reminded to check with their universities regarding internal closing dates. Mainland applications are to be submitted to the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of the NSFC. Detailed information regarding application procedures of the NSFC is available at Hong Kong applications should be submitted to the RGC through the research offices of the respective universities by 5:00 pm of 17 January 2025. A copy of the proposals submitted by their Mainland partners to the NSFC should also be submitted to the RGC by 24 February 2025. The RGC will notify the shortlisted Hong Kong applicants in April or May 2025 for submission of full proposals. The deadline for submission of full proposals to the RGC will be in June or July 2025.
B. Conference Proposals
Applicants should submit applications to the RGC through the research offices of their universities by 5:00 pm of 17 January 2025. Applicants are reminded to check with their universities regarding internal closing dates.
To view the call circular, please click here.
To download the application form, please click here.