Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2022/23 - Funding Results
No. Project Reference No. Project Title Principal Investigator Institution Funding Period
Amount Awarded by RGC
(Inclusive of On-costs)
1 UGC/IIDS13/H01/22 Nostalgia of Diaspora Music: Conference on the Development of Cantonese Pop Music in the Southeast Asia Dr CHENG Chen-ching Chu Hai 12 219,175
2 UGC/IIDS25/B01/22 Circular Fashion Forum: Implementation of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) in the fashion industry Ms CHENG Hiu THEi 12 568,488
3 UGC/IIDS24/B02/22 Building and Sustaining the Momentum of Cross-border E-commerce for the Greater Bay Area Dr LAU Yui-yip PolyU SPEED 12 282,770