PROCORE - France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme - List of Funded Projects for 2017/18
Project No. | Project Title (English) | Hong Kong Principal Investigator/University | French Principal Investigator/Institution | Funding Period (Year) | Amount
Awarded by RGC (HK$) |
1st Year | 2nd Year | |||||
F-CityU102/17 | Migrant Mobilization And Economic Opportunities: A Comparison Of Young Three Gorges Dam (TGD) Migrants' Experience In Guangdong And Shanghai |
Dr Ho Wing Chung/CityU | Dr Padovani Florence/Paris1 Sorbonne | 2 | 30,600 | 30,600 |
F-CityU103/17 | Triaxial Piezoelectric Magnetometers (PIEZOMAG): Towards Next Generation Integrated Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom Sensors-on-Chip For Personal Navigation |
Dr Lee En-yuan Joshua/CityU | Prof Blondy Pierre/CNRS No. 7252 | 2 | 45,000 | 45,000 |
F-CityU104/17 | S3: A Multi-perspective Video Search Paradigm | Prof Ngo Chong Wah/CityU | Dr Huet Benoit/EURECOM (IMT) | 2 | 45,000 | 45,000 |
F-CityU105/17 | Mesoscopic Structural Mechanisms For Fatigue In Pb-free Piezoelectric Feramics |
Dr Pramanick Abhijit/CityU | Prof Laurent Daniel/CNRS No.8507 | 2 | 30,600 | 21,600 |
F-CityU108/17 | Determination Of Nonlocal Constitutive Laws From Lattice Dispersion Relations |
Prof Lim Chee Wah/CityU | Dr Michelitsch Thomas M./Université Pierre et Marie Curie | 2 | 30,600 | 30,600 |
F-HKBU203/17 | Correlative Imaging Contrast Agents for Multi-Scale in Vivo Alzheimer’s Disease Evolution | Prof Wong Ricky Man-shing/HKBU | Prof Bolze Frédéric/University of Strasbourg | 2 | 30,600 | 30,600 |
F-CUHK401/17 | Navigation Technology and Changes of Trading Networks in the Seas of Asia from Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century |
Prof Cheung Sui-wai/CUHK | Prof Gipouloux Francois/Collège d'Etudes Mondiales | 1 | 81,200 | - |
F-CUHK403/17 | Investigate the Role of Satellite Cell Derived M-CSF in Regulating Macrophage Function During Skeletal Muscle Regeneration |
Prof Wang Huating/CUHK | Prof Chazaud Benedicte/INSERM | 2 | 43,200 | 43,200 |
F-PolyU501/17 | Optimal Relative Consumption with Reference to Past Spending Maximum and the Large Time Asymptotics |
Dr Yu Xiang/PolyU | Prof Pham Xuan-huyen/University Paris Diderot, Paris 7 | 2 | 30,600 | 30,600 |
F-PolyU503/17 | Novel Natural-Product-Derived Antimicrobial Agent Development Targeting RNA Polymerase |
Dr Ma Cong/PolyU | Dr Blanchard Nicolas/CNRS No. 7509 and University of Strasbourg | 2 | 15,300 | 15,300 |
F-PolyU508/17 | The 10th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing |
Prof Lau Chung-ming Francis/PolyU | Prof Jezequel Michel/Telecom Bretagne | 1 | - | - |
F-HKUST602/17 | Caching Management based on Software Defined Networking for Intelligent Transportation Systems |
Prof Bensaou Brahim/HKUST | Prof Labiod Houda/L'Institut Mines Télécom | 2 | 31,250 | 31,250 |
F-HKU701/17 | The mechanobiology of obesity | Prof Xu Aimin/HKU | Dr Honore Eric/CNRS UMR 7275 | 2 | 45,000 | 45,000 |
F-HKU702/17 | Metagenomics and high throughput sequencing based detection and characterization of antibiotic resistance genes in pristine and antibiotic contaminated soils for development of detection tests |
Prof Zhang Tong/HKU | Prof Simonet Pascal/Ecole Centrale de Lyon | 2 | 43,200 | 15,300 |
F-HKU703/17 | Enhancing the application of electrical coiling of viscous liquid jets for printing through experimental and theoretical investigation of the coiling dynamics |
Dr Shum Ho Cheung/HKU | Dr Ribe Neil/CNRS UMR 7608 | 2 | 45,000 | 45,000 |