Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) 2022/23 Exercise
  1. The quality of proposals varied across subjects. In general, the quality improved gradually over the years, particularly those from the Green Principal Investigators (PIs). Some proposals were innovative and original in nature with objectives demonstrated clearly the foci of the examination and conceptual framework supported by evidence of literature review. Some proposals attempted to examine the under-studied topics that were worth exploring. In sum, clear objectives, solid theoretical framework and rigorous research design with potential academic impact were the key components in successful proposals.

  2. Objectives of some proposals were very broad and from different perspectives, but the research agenda were not able to address them fully. Some proposals captured interesting ideas but lacked theoretical clarity and feasible plans for data collection. PIs were advised to conduct thorough literature review focusing on the research problems at hand and provide a clear description of the proposed research method with justification on its suitability.

  3. Some proposals lacked testable hypotheses and appropriate methodologies to produce specific outcomes and quantifiable results. PIs were advised to provide proof or pilot data to support their claim on the study as well as detailed plans for measurable outcomes. There should also be a well balance on the time to be spent on data collection and data analysis. Particular attention should be paid on the issues of research ethics and safety when human subjects were involved in the study.

  4. Funding for research supporting staff at junior staff level (e.g. Research Assistant) should generally be sufficient. Excessive expenditure on equipment should be avoided. PIs were reminded to provide strong justifications for the amount of funding requested, particularly for proposals requesting a very large funding support and asking for funding to hire supporting staff at senior level. PIs, who were provided funding for engaging relief teacher in previously funded projects, should provide detailed justifications for the funding request for teaching relief in their proposals.