Areas of Excellence Scheme - Tenth Round Exercise Funding Results
Project Title |
UGC-funded Universities# |
Budget* (HK$ million) |
Funding from the RGC* (HK$ million) |
6G: Wireless Access and Connectivity for an Intelligent and Sustainable World | CUHK, HKU, HKUST, PolyU | 87.304 |
76.501 |
Quantitative History of China: Historical Roots of Recent Success and Future Development | CUHK, HKBU, HKU, HKUST, LU | 74.800 |
67.320 |
Total |
162.104 |
143.821 |
# CUHK: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
HKBU: Hong Kong Baptist University
HKU: The University of Hong Kong
HKUST: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
LU: Lingnan University
PolyU: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
* Inclusive of indirect costs / on-costs. The RGC’s funding allocation for the AoE Scheme 2022/23 exercise is around HK$144 million. The remaining about HK$18 million of the approved budget will be matched by the universities concerned.