RGC Public Lectures - Happy, Healthy, Longevity - AI Can Help (2)

Date:    20 January 2024 (Saturday)
Time:    2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Venue:  Lecture Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Science Museum

Topic 1: AI Microscopy – High-Speed Imaging of Cancer Cells
Topic 2: From Saving Lives to Empowering Learning: Wow, AI is So

Conducted in Cantonese.
Free admission. First come, first served.

Interested parties can also watch the live broadcast of the lectures through the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/hkscm) or the YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/hksciencemuseum) of the Hong Kong Science Museum.

Brief Introduction

Topic 1:    AI Microscopy – High-Speed Imaging of Cancer Cells
Speaker:  Prof. WONG Tsz-wai, Terence
                  (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and

A recently developed new AI-based microscope (CHAMP Microscope™) could revolutionize the ways cancer cells are being detected before, during, and after surgeries. Its high-quality images enable fast and accurate medical diagnoses for all tissue types, hence, improving the patient's quality of life.

Topic 2:    From Saving Lives to Empowering Learning: Wow, AI is So Close!
Speaker:  Prof. YU Leung-ho, Philip
                  (Professor and Head of Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong)

AI is everywhere, with applications ranging from personalized recommendation systems and chatbots to language learning and STEM education. This talk showcases several of the AI projects that have real-life applications, including detecting comments indicative of suicide risk on social media, medical image diagnosis, AI-assisted language learning and assessment, and preference learning in social networks for personalized recommendations.