Chapter 4: Research


Conducted in all UGC-funded institutions, Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) is a quality assurance initiative tied to funding assessment. The RAE assesses the research performance of institutions at the cost centre level.

RAE 1999 was the third RAE undertaken by the UGC. The threshold standard for the third round was defined as "quality of output equates to an attainable level of excellence appropriate to the discipline in Hong Kong, and showing some evidence of international excellence".

The definition was interpreted stringently in view of the substantial improvement which had taken place in the quality of research. Despite the more rigorous rendering, the RAE did manage to identify real and significant improvements across the UGC-funded institutions.

The exercise has, over the past years, encouraged and facilitated a steady improvement in the research activities of the UGC-funded institutions in quality and quantity. As a result, a robust research culture has been firmly established, giving Hong Kong a solid platform to further develop itself on the basis of existing strengths.

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