Summary of Funding for New Research Projects (16K)

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B Summary of Funding for Ongoing Research Grant Projects (16K)
C Research Output by Broad Subject Area and by Institution (12K)

Research Grants Council Membership 2000-2001 (12K)

E Panel Membership 2000-2001 (24K)
F Co-operative Research Centres Sub-Committee Membership 2000-2001 (12K)
G Brief History of the Co-operative Research Centres Scheme (12K)

Background of Research Grants Council Visiting Programme (8K)

I Projects Supported by the Germany / Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2000-2001 (16K)
J Projects Supported by the France / Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2000-2001 (12K)
K Projects Supported by the NSFC / RGC Joint Research Scheme 2000-2001 (12K)
L Criteria for the Consideration of Competitive Bids (8K)

List of Competitive Earmarked Research Grant Projects Supported by RGC in 2000-2001 (by four subject panels) (132K)

N The 2000-2001 Earmarked Research Grant: Breakdown of Applications from Institutions and Summary of Grants Approved (20K)
O List of Supported Projects for RGC Central Allocation 2000-2001 (12K)
P RGC Postgraduate Students Conference/Seminar Grants Projects Supported for Funding 2000-2001 (12K)

Earmarked Research Grant: Competitive Bidding Exercise Summary of Statistics from 1991-1992 to 2000-2001 (12K)