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Capital Works

The UGC supports capital works projects of universities for UGC-funded activities by capital grants sought from the Government on an annual basis under the Capital Programme and the Alterations, Additions, Repairs and Improvements (AA&I) Programme.

The UGC sees capital development as an important contributing factor in the provision of quality education and the undertaking of quality research, and in this sense, contributes positively to the performance of the universities. Through the annual Capital Programme and AA&I Programme, the universities are provided with the necessary resources to meet their academic aims and objectives, space requirements as associated with approved student number targets and statutory safety and health requirements. In sum, capital funds maintain and enhance universities' space and facilities in an appropriate state to support their educational and research missions.

Capital Works

Spatial reorganisation of Hui Yeung Shing Building, CUHK

Spatial reorganisation of Hui Yeung Shing Building, CUHK

Spatial reorganisation of 2/F of Main Library (New Wing), HKU

Spatial reorganisation of 2/F of Main Library (New Wing), HKU

Enhancement of campus southern entrance, HKUST

Enhancement of campus southern entrance, HKUST

Reorganisation of teaching and research space at FJ Wing, PolyU

Reorganisation of teaching and research space at FJ Wing, PolyU

Improvement of sports facilities at Dr. Stephen Hui Sports Hall, HKBU

Improvement of sports facilities at Dr. Stephen Hui Sports Hall, HKBU

Eco-garden, EdUHK

Eco-garden, EdUHK

Replacement of aged gensets for Academic 1, CityU

Replacement of aged gensets for Academic 1, CityU

Extension of spectator stand at outdoor sports ground, LU

Extension of spectator stand at outdoor sports ground, LU