RGC Public Lectures - China Manned Space Programme and Aerospace Engineering

Date:    2 December 2023 (Saturday)
Time:    10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Venue:  Lecture Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Science Museum

Topic 1: China’s Tianwen Planetary Exploration Programme
Topic 2: Space-based Telescope Observations and Particle Experiments in the New Era

Conducted in Cantonese.
Free admission. First come, first served.

Interested parties can also watch the live broadcast of the lectures through the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/hkscm) or the YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/hksciencemuseum) of the Hong Kong Science Museum.

Brief Introduction

Topic 1:    China’s Tianwen Planetary Exploration Programme
Speaker:  Dr. LEE Man Hoi
                  (Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences and Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong)

China’s first planetary exploration mission, Tianwen-1, was launched in 2020, and its Zhurong rover was successfully deployed on Mars in 2021. Dr Lee Man Hoi will discuss this and future missions in China’s Tianwen planetary exploration programme, in the context of the history of planetary exploration and the key open questions about the Solar System.

Topic 2:    Space-based Telescope Observations and Particle Experiments in the New Era
Specker:  Dr. CHAN Man Ho
                  (Associate Professor, Department of Science and Environmental Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong)

Modern astronomical and space observations have entered a new era. Many observations and experiments have already changed from ground-based to space-based in order to minimise the noise generated by the atmosphere and human activities, which can greatly enhance the quality of data obtained. Besides, analysing the particles in space can help us understand the mystery of the universe and the origin of life. Dr Chan Man Ho will introduce the current and future space-based observations planned by China as well as other different countries. He will also discuss how these space-based observations can answer the unsolved physics and cosmological questions.