RGC Public Lectures - Stress Management and Mental Health

Two leading scholars have been invited to deliver public lectures organized by the Research Grants Council on 2 September 2018 (Sunday). Details of the lectures are as follows:

Topic Speaker Time
Coping with stress: From lived experience to lifestyle change Professor Samson Tse (Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education) of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor of Mental Health of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong) 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Sleeping well for better mental health Professor YK Wing (Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry of the Chinese University of Hong Kong) 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre G/F, Hong Kong Central Library (Location Map)
Language: Cantonese
Free admission on a first-come, first-served basis.

For enquires, please contact us at 2524 3987 or rgc@ugc.edu.hk.

First Session

Topic: Coping with stress: From lived experience to lifestyle change
Speaker: Professor Samson Tse
Time: 2 September 2018 (Sunday) 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Brief introduction:

Mental health problem affects not only the physical health and living quality of the individuals concerned, but also their family and caregivers. Professor Tse will deliver a talk titled "Coping with stress: From lived experience to lifestyle change", using bipolar disorder as an example, to illustrate the challenges and needs of both service users and family caregivers. He will also discuss how peer support workers make use of their lived experience to help change lifestyles of service users and their family caregivers, reduce their stress levels and facilitate service users' recovery.

About the Speaker:

Professor Samson Tse is Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education) of Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor of Mental Health in Department of Social Work and Social Administration at The University of Hong Kong. He worked in New Zealand – Dunedin and Auckland for over 20 years. Samson has expertise in examining the complex mechanisms of recovery from severe and persistent mental illness like bipolar disorder and gambling disorder. He has served in government, and non-government organization advisory committees in New Zealand, Singapore and Hong Kong. Professor Tse has presented to groups around the globe about issues he is passionate about: Living beyond disability and improving service users' experience. He was also the Co-Chairperson of the Programme Committee of the International Conference on Recovery-oriented Services and Policy Planning in Mental Health in 2018


RGC Public Lectures - Stress Management and Mental Health (First Session) - Professor Tse was leading a discussion in Peer Support Workers Forum (Photo 1)

RGC Public Lectures - Stress Management and Mental Health (First Session) - Professor Tse was leading a discussion in Peer Support Workers Forum (Photo 2)

Professor Tse was leading a discussion in Peer Support Workers Forum (2 photos)

RGC Public Lectures - Stress Management and Mental Health (First Session) - Professor Tse (the 4th from the right) and his research non-governmental organisation (NGO) collaborators with Dr. Richard J. Goscha (the 4th from the left), one of the founders of Strengths Model Case Management (Photo 3)

Professor Tse (the 4th from the right) and his research non-governmental organisation (NGO) collaborators with Dr. Richard J. Goscha (the 4th from the left), one of the founders of Strengths Model Case Management.


Second Session

Topic: Sleeping well for better mental health
Speaker: Professor YK Wing
Time: 2 September 2018 (Sunday) 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Brief introduction:

Sleep is essential and indispensable for the health and growth of an individual. Although sleep problems are common, they are often being neglected and ignored. Sleep deprivation in school aged children and adolescents is an emerging epidemic across the world, and 10% to 30% of adults and elderlies also suffering from chronic insomnia. Professor Wing will deliver a lecture titled "Sleeping well for better mental health", focusing on the magnitude of sleep deprivation and insomnia among schoolers, adults and elderlies, the associated negative consequences and the effectiveness of various sleep interventions. The relation between sleep and mental health, and some possible suggestions for the future development of sleep intervention will also be discussed.

About the Speaker:

Professor Wing graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. He is currently the Chairman and Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Associate Dean (Student affairs) of the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also the Director of the Sleep Assessment Unit of Shatin Hospital. He has been the Honorary Chief of Service in the Department of Psychiatry in both Shatin Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital since 2003.

Professor Wing has diverse research interest in sleep and circadian medicine, psychiatric disorders, neuropsychiatry, and transcultural psychopharmacology. He has active contribution to the scientific communities, including his leadership service role in the Hong Kong Society of Sleep medicine (ex-President, HKSSM) and Asian Society of Sleep medicine (ASSM, Vice-president (Research)).

He has published more than 200 peer refereed publications and 6 book chapters. He has given a number of plenary lectures in international and national sleep meetings including World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) 2015 (Korea) and Asean Sleep Congress 2015 (Singapore). He and his research group has established the first local epidemiological data of various sleep disorders including sleep deprivation, insomnia, narcolepsy, and parasomnia since 2 decades ago. In addition, Prof. Wing and his research team delivered sleep education to local primary and secondary schools to enhance sleep knowledge and improving behavioral and mental health. His research was supported by a number of RGC and HMRF funded projects.

Professor Wing was awarded the distinguished national award for Sleep Medicine Scientific Technological Advance in China by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association at 2010 and distinguished contributions to the development of sleep medicine and sleep research by Chinese Sleep Research Society at 2016. He was also awarded the Teacher of the Year Awards, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK in 2012-13.


RGC Public Lectures - Stress Management and Mental Health (Second Session - Photo 1) Sleeping well for better mental health